Good Citizen Award Recipient: Abbie Hess

Abbie Hess

Mr. McKenna awarding Abbie Hess the DAR certificate.

Lily Gatesman, Staff Writer

We hear about sports and academic awards but did you know there is one for Good Citizens too. Each year, 10 students from different area high schools are chosen to receive the DAR award; Milford High School was one of the schools responsible to give it out. DAR stands for Daughters of the American Revolution, the students that are considered for this award demonstrate the four pillars:dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism. This year the faculty nominated three students, but only one could receive the award. They chose Senior Abbie Hess. 

Hess found out about her achievement in an unusual way. ¨I was called down to the office by Mrs. Desenzio,Hess said, ¨and she asked me if I had heard, and I said no, then she told me I won the DAR good citizenship award.¨ Hess had no idea that staff had nominated her to the organization, so it was a total surprise when she was presented with the certificate. 

Along with the honor and the certificate, they have a luncheon to honor the recipients from other schools. ¨You can apply for a scholarship if you win the award,¨ Hess stated, ¨And I did go through the process to submit an essay/ kind of resume to be considered.¨ Students from the 10 schools that win the DAR award go up against each other for the scholarship. Then the winner competes against the other regions in the state and then moves onto the national level. For each level that they move up, more scholarship money is available. 

Staff members said Hess embodies a responsible citizen. ¨She is a very dedicated young woman that sets goals for herself and I have yet to see a goal she hasn’t accomplished¨, Teacher Kaye Sommer  says. She has shown her leadership through being the CFO in the VEI class. ¨That position has huge responsibilities for our VI firm¨, Sommers said. Other staff have similar opinions on Hess’s characteristics, ¨Everyone I have talked to about getting permission to take her for VIE or DECA, they are always not worried that she will get the work done¨, Sommers said. Hess has proved herself as a true leader and citizen to her other classmates and staff. Her diverse involvement made her stand out from the other competitors.

Hess is a part of the theater program, choir, cross country, track, basketball, DECA, JOI club and NHS(National Honor Society). Keeping up with all of these things and school work is very difficult, but she manages. ¨I find joy in everything I do,” Hess said, ¨So every club I’m involved in or sport, I´m always there because it is either the people or the experience and what I have learned and gained from doing it¨. She has a reason to be involved in so many things. She has learned so many things from so many different people. She never shows much stress and comes to school with a smile on her face, ready to keep working.

Hess gives back to the community by working local events. ¨I volunteer at Eagle Scout projects, Milford Memories, our church’s clothing drive, tutoring, and many more,” Hess said. Through service projects like these, she is able to help others. ¨I hope that by serving and encouraging others to do the same, that we can all give back to our community in any way we can!¨, Hess said.

One of the most common things you hear going into high school  is to get involved. It may sound repetitive, but Hess is a prime example of making the most of her time in high school. ¨Especially for underclassmen, get involved because everything you do; you can learn something new from it¨, Hess said. She met so many people and made connections with many  students and staff. ¨You are not only helping yourself learn new skills, but you’re helping them to get better at whatever they are working towards too,” Hess said. All of these things you can do too if you just step a little out of your comfort zone and try something new, even if you don’t end up liking it, at least you tried.