Boys CC Runs through Competition
Senior Quaid Schmetz running for Milford Varsity Boys Cross Country (Photo courtesy of Fred Schwendenmann)
November 2, 2022
Every time students walk past the award plaques by the MHS Fieldhouse, it’s impossible to miss the history of success of the Milford cross country teams. As one of the best athletic programs not only in Milford High School, but the state, the cross country team’s dominance is on full display. This year, the men’s team is looking to continue the tradition, starting 7-1 on the season as of 10/18. Senior Quaid Schmetz has high expectations for the Oakland County Meet. “We’ll most likely place high, but it will be a challenge,” Schimetz said Schimetz proceeded to say with confidence that, “Novi and Detroit Catholic Central will be the teams to look out for at this meet.” The Oakland County meet took place on Oct 8th at Kensington Metro park in our home-town of Milford. The boys varsity team placed 3rd in this meet. Open and JV Milford dominated this meet as well.
They have the LVC meet coming up on Oct 20th which the boys team expects to place high.” There is a good chance to win [the LVC meet],” Schimetz said. “Lakeland and Walled Lake Northern will be the teams to beat.” He continued saying: “We have a lot of young guys that can run fast and help us win. We have 8 boy seniors that will have an impact as well.” The team has high expectations for this meet, which takes place at Island Lake. The Boys and Girls team won the LVC meet by the 6th man. Way to go MAVS! On the other hand on Oct. 28-29 the boys will have Regionals that will take place at the Michigan International speedway. Senior runner Mason Brow touched on this subject “We have a high chance of taking that trophy for the third year in a row”. The Cross Country team has won Regionals the past three years straight!
Every year no matter what sport, there are ‘automatic’ role models/leaders. Those leaders are the seniors. Having seniors on the team can be a blessing. They help with practice, leading practice activities, encouraging the younger guys and many other things. They are essentially the backbone of the team. The Milford Boys cross country team’s 8 seniors have been a lot of differences throughout their years competing as a Maverick. One of the seniors is Mason Brow, who believes the team is better than previous years. “We have a lot more depth competing for our 5th spot than previous years,” he said. This is a great thing because when there’s a lot of people competing for one spot, it will push all of them to want it more.. These 8 seniors have sacrificed a lot of time trying to be the best runner they can be. With that being said, they have made many lifelong friends along the way. For seniors, it’s often difficult running with these teammates for the last time. “It’s really not something I try to think about because I’ve spent most of my summers and falls with these guys everyday,” Brow said. It is always hard walking away from a sport that you love and spend your time and a good part of your life on. The season will be over soon, but the memories and friendships will always be there.
Make sure to come out and support both men and women’s cross country teams as the season goes on. They have Regionals Oct. 28-29 we wish them good luck and… GO MAVS!