Battle of the Student Sections
March 19, 2020
Which student section is better? Basketball or hockey? Read below to find out!
Basketball: 6th Man
The sixth man brings creativity to the court. The cheers are planned, effective, and fun. There’s a cheer for everything, and never a dull moment in the student section. Every game starts off with the SpongeBob theme song, followed by a “Let’s Go Milford.” When the team’s defending, the fans shout volume escalating “DE-FENCE.” If someone on the other team air balls, the fans will deem it their nickname for the rest of the game. When the boys need a pick-me-up, the student section delivers a peppy “M-I M-I-L M-I-L-F-O-R-D!”
The most memorable student section acts come from the basketball games. Students will read newspapers, unbothered, while the opposing team is announced. Every half time at the rival games, a member of the sixth man, dressed as Moses, parts the red sea of students. During a “Silent Night,” they sit down and wait, building anticipation, eagerly watching the game until our team scores a point and the crowd goes wild!
One of the most notable acts unique to the basketball stud

Students link arms for the national anthem at the Milford vs Lakeland game.
ent section is the Curtain of Distraction. During the first half, it is used to present outrageously funny and puzzling acts while the opposing team shoots free-throws. The intent is to divert the players’ attention so he/she will miss his/her free throw, but it also gives the crowd and the student section a good laugh.
The basketball games are great to come to because the student section is always fun and welcoming, which is not always true with the hockey student section. Kayla Pennebaker, a senior who goes to basketball games (to support her boyfriend) and hockey games (to support her brother) has great insight of the social dynamics of both student sections: “At hockey games, you talk to your two friends right by you and that’s it. At basketball games, everyone talks to each other. It’s not just limited to your friends.”
Basketball games have a better atmosphere. Junior Tommy Damon, a member of the sixth man, said, “You know, when someone hits a three, you go crazy. It’s a good time.” and “It’s just hype all the way around. That’s the moral of the story.” The fans at basketball games are more supportive, upbeat, and positive compared to the hockey student section, who only criticizes the opposing team and seldom cheers on their own team. Basketball’s uplifting cheers creates a better environment for the team, parents, and especially the fans.
Last year, the boys basketball program brought MHS a winning season, school records, and a district championship. Going into the season, the fans had high expectations that were unfortunately not met. The varsity squad went through the first half of the season without a win.
If any school knows how to cheer for the underdogs, it’s Milford. Even with consecutive losing seasons for the football team, the student body continued to show support for our boys. Basketball is no different.
“We love the student section. Having a crowd, especially when we are playing defense and you guys are going crazy, it helps so much. It might seem like a little thing, but it means a lot.” says Varsity post and Junior Trevor Leigh.
The cheers have an impact because they’re heard on the court. That “Let’s Go Milford” really brought up our team’s confidence. The “OOOOOHHH” seriously affected the opponent’s free throw. That “Great work Joe” after that final buzzer actually made him excited to play in the next game.
The sixth man does not solely cheer against the opposing team, unlike hockey. They cheer for our team. A combination of planned cheers and acts, along with socializing with fans of all grades, makes for a great time at the game. Most importantly, basketball games have the best atmosphere and support. The sixth man cheers for their friends, for their school, and for their community.
Hockey: Milford Maniacs
With players maneuvering in between and slamming into each other, the sport is obviously more physical, and people love it. “I’ve been walking to my seat and then BAM someone gets checked right into the glass beside you. It’s awesome!” said Sophomore Delaney Muncy.
Hockey also lives up to its aggressive reputation with the types of chants that are at games. At most other sports, crowds will yell supportive chants and will try to give their players an edge. But in hockey, the name of the game is distraction and intimidation. The student section will get up and chant just about anything it can to distract the other team. “Hockey is more about aggression, instead of supportive chants; we just try to get the other team to choke and mess up the whole time,” said Senior Eric Brakke.

Hockey student section goes crazy as Pierce Ashcroft skates past
It’s not just the opposing team that feels the effects of the student section; boys from the team say that they love when the student section is there and active. Senior Tyler Kerr, goalie of the team, said, “It’s awesome, it gives us that little extra boost we need and definitely makes me play more confidently.”
Most times at home games, the student section has so much life that the parents join in and chant with it. A downside from the student sections at football and basketball is the lack of themes. Themes are a big part of student sections, as everyone looks forward to when the list of themes for basketball and football games comes out, and if hockey adopted them, maybe there would be an even bigger turnout at games.
But fans do like to have their own space at sporting events, and that’s usually a luxury people don’t have, being squished in between people standing and trying to see the game. So hockey is one of the only sports where one has space, and people can bring in blankets and food and they can spread out and be comfortable.
People are able to relax and focus on the game instead of how uncomfortable he/she is. “You can bring more stuff into the games because you can actually sit down and watch instead of having to stand,” said Muncy.
If you’re looking to be part of a student section that has more themes and cleaver chants, then basketball is perfect for you, but if you’re looking to yell at the other team and get crazy when a fight breaks out, then the hockey student section is the place for you.