As the commercials on television show us, technology is growing exponentially. We now live in a world where technology is necessary to live. Cell phones are being carried by elementary and junior high school students. Papers are to be typed on word processors rather than hand written in the classroom. And no matter who you are, the internet is needed, a must have. It’s being put into all electronics to be used everyday, including your own vehicle.
AT&T and General Motors (GM) have gotten together to put Wi-Fi internet connection into new models of cars. I think this is a ridiculous idea. There are laws banning people from text messaging on their phones and driving at the same time. Because that’s dangerous! People die that way! But GM and AT&T feel that it’s a safe choice to add Wi-Fi connection into our vehicles? I don’t think this idea is smart or safe at all.
Many cars have touch screens put into their vehicles where the radio normally goes. In my opinion, even just having a radio in your car can be distracting. No one should be distracted while driving because of the major consequences. But at least with the radio, you’re just using your ears to listen to the music. You don’t need to take your eyes off the road to listen to the radio!
Most people feel for the buttons with their hands while driving to change the station, but these touch screens can make calls, use GPS systems, and control the temperature inside your vehicle. They show maps, a camera, and even shows what’s behind you while you’re backing up. You can’t reach to feel the buttons or knobs to change any stations or the air in the vents. It’s just a flat screen!
GPS systems can be very helpful, but again, distracting. What is so wrong with pulling over to the side of the road and reading a map for directions? It’s a safer alternative. Watching the roads on a small screen rather than the actual road you’re driving on is scary because it makes the driver feel as though they are not actually driving, but playing a kind of video game.
Someone could easily be killed with a small accident using these screens. Wi-Fi in your vehicle would be really dangerous due to the distraction of being able to play online while driving. Seriously people, Farmville can wait! One of the reasons to why they are adding Wi-Fi to the vehicles is for the passengers to use on their car rides. But it is known that the internet will be used by the drivers as well, seeing as it will be easily accessed.
Overall, I think this new technology tag-team between AT&T and GM is dangerous. So many more accidents will be occurring and the roads will be chaotic! Laws have already been created all around theU.S.to protect our citizens out on the roads. Another needs to be passed to keep wireless internet out of our vehicles.
It should have been obvious, in my opinion, to keep wireless internet out of our vehicles. This could just be a stupid plan for advancement in technology, or it could be a terrifyingly deadly one.