As the 2023-2024 school year continues to fly by, let’s talk about what the second semester has to offer. Starting off strong, it is the seniors last semester ever! Seniors have prom, senior spring break, senior all night party, senior sunset and graduation to look forward to. In preparation for all of these events, the senior student council will continue to put on fundraisers to raise funds for all supplies needed. Of course everyone’s favorite time of the year, charity week! What an exciting time of year while also raising money for such amazing causes. In March we have all students that qualified for DECA States headed to Detroit to compete.

In addition spring sports will be starting! Girls tennis, girls soccer, track and field, baseball, lacrosse, HOT robotics, and mountain biking will all be starting their seasons. And you do not want to miss out on the spring musical. Then of course this is the time for all standardized testing. Freshman and sophomores will continue prep for SAT and they will have to take PSAT. While around the same time juniors are taking the actual SAT! Although the year is sadly, already, coming to an end there is still so much to look forward to. Especially for the seniors, this is the time to really soak it in. Enjoy the year Mavs!