The Milford Messenger

The Voice of Milford High School

The Milford Messenger

The Milford Messenger

MIT: How do the freshman feel about it?

Mavs In Training (MIT) was a new addition to Milford High School in the 2021-2022 school year. It was added to promote freshman involvement in the school and make the new Mavs feel more welcomed. MIT is run by the leadership students and supervised by David Gilbert. Some may wonder how the freshman feel about this activity. “In some ways MIT can help freshmen get more comfortable in high school,” stated MHS freshman Addy Sokolowski. Ali Parks, another freshman at MHS, agreed,  “When I first came to Milford I was really nervous and didn’t know my way around the school and I think it’s really nice to have some role models and be able to ask them questions.” Although some say it is a good resource, others believe there are some drawbacks. Alli DeJonge, another MHS freshman, stated, “I think it’s fun, but I also want my own seminar time to do homework.” Sokolowski also expressed a drawback of MIT, “I also don’t like that it’s so often.” Even though it includes some negative aspects, overall freshmen seem to agree that MIT is a great addition to their first year at MHS.