The Milford Messenger

The Voice of Milford High School

The Milford Messenger

The Milford Messenger

MHS Student’s Winter Breaks

Winter break is a time for students to relax and reset their minds before a stressful exam week. Over break, students enjoyed many activities such as traveling, enjoying outdoor activities, or spending time with family. Carissa Krusinski, a senior at Milford High School, enjoyed her break on an island paradise. “Winter break was amazing! I got to spend all of it in Hawaii with my family,” stated Krusinski. Ethan Reynolds, another senior at MHS, also traveled for Christmas day, “I went up to Grand Rapids to spend Christmas day with my family. It was really nice to see all of them.” Students who traveled got to enjoy new experiences or spend time with loved ones that they don’t see often. However, not all students traveled for family celebrations, and some instead traveled to enjoy some of their favorite winter activities. Ellie DeYoung, another MHS senior, traveled up to Nubs Nob Ski Area and Resort to train for her ski race season. “I did a lot of skiing and I improved my techniques. I also met a lot of new people,” commented DeYoung. DeYoung spent her break preparing for important ski events that are going to happen after break is over. Other students, such as Brayden Kennedy, an MHS senior, enjoyed their break by spending time with family and relaxing around their homes. Kennedy stated “It was a relaxing break and I got to build some Legos.” Overall, whether students traveled far or stayed close to home, they all got their minds reset and are ready to return to school.