The Milford Messenger

The Voice of Milford High School

The Milford Messenger

The Milford Messenger

The Future Paths of the Mavs

A look into the future career´s of Milford High´s Seniors.

Although we are still in the beginning stages of the school year, the seniors at Milford are already starting to think about what they want to do after high school. There is a variety of different paths the seniors are wanting to go down. For example, Keira Lloyd has decided she wants to go into pediatric neuroscience, ¨I have always wanted to help and work with children, and  I think neuroscience is interesting, so it’s a good fit for me.” Lloyd stated. Another senior at Milford, Kenny Wayne, wants to do something quite different as he wants to become an electrician and eventually work on wind turbines. He said, ¨I think it would be a fun job and it has good benefits like retirement that can help me in the long run.¨ Additionally, Kayla Hulswitt commented how she wants to major in business and minor in Spanish, “I really enjoyed business and Spanish classes at Milford so I think a career related to those would be very fulfilling for me.” On the other hand, Corrina Clark wants to do quite the opposite of business as she has decided she wants to major in dance and minor in psychology. Clark explained, “I’ve been dancing my entire life so I want to continue with that, and I  really enjoyed my psychology class here at Milford and I want to help others with that knowledge.” Going back to the medical field, Katie Shatney describes how she wants to go into pediatrics, “I have always wanted to help out with kids. I grew up going to a summer camp that I eventually became a counselor in training for and I really enjoyed helping kids with the activities. I also love babysitting my nephew, it’s just something I really enjoy doing.” All in all, although Milford seniors all have very different paths ahead of them, they all seem to be going in a great direction.