The Milford Messenger

The Voice of Milford High School

The Milford Messenger

The Milford Messenger

Milford High School Welcomes Foreign Exchange Student

Lilly Sharrak
Julia Alarcón-Giménez (left) and Aleah Partyka (right) enjoying the Milford vs South Lyon football game.

This year, Milford High School has welcomed a handful of foreign exchange students. One of them: Julia Alarcón-Giménez. 

Alarcón-Giménez is from Murcia, Spain, and has thoroughly enjoyed her short time in The United States. This is her first time in America and will be spending the entirety of the 2023-2024 school year at Milford High School.

Alarcón-Giménez’s favorite part of Milford so far are the Friday night football games, which are something she’d never experienced before. High school football games are some of the most enjoyable memories she’s been able to make this Fall. 

“The biggest difference here is the friendships, you know? In Spain- normally we’re like- really familiar. Here, you’re not really close,” said Alarcón-Giménez. So far, she’s noticed a plethora of acquaintances, but a lack of intimate connections. 

Friendships are just one of many differences between Spain and The United States, though. Food is another noticeable change. Mac and cheese, something routinely found in the pantries of American families, is a meal that Alarcón-Giménez had yet to try until she came to Milford. 

“School is another big change. It’s really easy here, the classes. We don’t get to pick our whole schedule, and we don’t have spirit weeks,” said Alarcón-Giménez. Both homecoming week and charity week are great aspects of Milford High School and keep the school spirit at an all-time high. 

There’s a wide variety of great classes at Milford High School; having a say in what’s on your schedule is incredibly motivating for students. Having the ability to choose her schedule allowed her to follow her interests and feel more comfortable in new academic and social settings. 

With much more to see through the Spring of 2024, Alarcón-Giménez has a positive outlook on her exchange year.