The Milford Messenger

The Voice of Milford High School

The Milford Messenger

The Milford Messenger

Tips to have a successful Cruise!

Jessica Pucket

Michigan is in the freezing months of the year and a warm getaway is needed for all of us! A cruise is a fun way to get to so many new, warm destinations without the pain of traveling. Although there’s many pluses to going on a cruise there is also some negatives that come along with the process. Here are some of the top tips to make the most out of your cruise without encountering some of these negatives.

Tip 1. Bring motion sick patches! Even if your not one to get regulary sea sick or motion sick, cruises tend to cause motion sickness to lots of people because of the constant rocking day and night. Motion sickness patches have been proven to work the best to prevent sea sickness out of every other purchase. They also are hidden behind your ear and are able to last for up to 4 days because of the stick. This cheap $10 purchase can come in hand to be very handy and save you from missing out on your cruise trapped in your room sick.

Tip 2. BRING WATERPROOF NECK POUCHES! Between being on the pool deck, to going out on excursions, to exploring throughout the cruise. Your phone as well as other important belongings such as room key, passport, and credit cards need to be safe and are so prone to getting lost. By having a waterproof pouch you are able to keep all of your belongings safe the whole cruise. Another pro to having a waterproof pouch is if you decide you want to do a excursion on your cruise. Usually they tell you to leave your phone on the boat or not with you, with the waterproof pouch you are able to bring your phone with you to make sure it’s safe and get once in a lifetime views!

Tip 3. Bring plug extenders! As some know cruise rooms are very small and usually only consist of a bed and a bathroom. Resulting of this there are very few outlets, which can cause some problems. Cruise rooms usually consist of 1 to 2 outlets which can become a problem when wanting to charge everyone in the rooms electronics, as well as wanting to curl, blow dry, straighten hair, or even wanting to plug in a portable fan. By bringing a plug extender it can give you up to 6 more outlets which will get rid of so many unnecessary problems and make sure everything is charged.

By using these simple tips it can guarantee you a perfect cruise with a lot less stressing! Get cruising!