The Milford Messenger

The Voice of Milford High School

The Milford Messenger

The Milford Messenger

Christmas vs. Halloween Movies

Whether it is with family or friends, watching a movie will always be a loved activity by most. However, one problem will typically arise: picking what to watch. With hundreds of thousands of movies to choose from, narrowing it down to just one is an extremely daunting task. Additionally, when enjoying a movie with others, interests may vary which could make the decision even more difficult. One major disagreement often falls between Halloween and Christmas movies. Choosing between the thrill of a Halloween movie or the comfort of a Christmas movie can definitely be a hard decision, however, some believe one will always top the other. 

Jump scares and adrenaline are very commonly associated with Halloween movies. These factors are normally what cause the love and attraction to this genre. “I like Halloween movies over Christmas movies because I love the thrill and suspense. They keep me engaged throughout the entire movie so I never get bored,” stated Milford High School senior Ellie DeYoung. The excitement that comes from watching a Halloween movie continues to bring people back to this type of film. Alternatively, Christmas movies often come with the idea of nostalgia and cheerfulness. “I would much rather watch a Christmas movie because it is so much happier and enjoyable to watch,” stated Natalie Carey, an MHS senior. Experiencing the joy and heartwarming stories of a Christmas movie brings a new kind of happiness to the holidays. 

Overall, Halloween and Christmas movies both have aspects to them that make them enjoyable. Whether it be the frightful scares or the jolly moments, both of these genres will always have a special place in people’s hearts. Which one is better only depends on the type of movie one favors.