The movies every high schooler would enjoy.

The movies every high schooler would enjoy.

James Thomason, Arts & Entertainment

Let’s start by saying these are not the top ten movies ever made, or the greatest movies you will ever see. These are simply the most commonly referenced and quoted movies in high school. Also, before you start to critique, this list was born from a 20-minute conversation with 15 people, so it is quite refined.  So without further ado let’s get started, so you’re not left out of anymore laughs, and conversations at the lunch table.

   The 10

  1. Finding Nemo
  2. Talladega Nights
  3. Happy Gilmore
  4. Shawshank Redemption
  5. Inception
  6. Step Brothers
  7. Shrek
  8. Forest Gump
  9. Pulp Fiction
  10. Pride and Prejudice

Starting at the ten. Seems like a weird choice right? No, Pride and Prejudice is one of the oldest romantic films. Though it isn’t quoted frequently, it is highly renowned as the best love movie ever made. So it tends to be the focus point for a lot of conversations, and is an enjoyable film for the guys too because it’s not your typical love story. Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth love-hate relationship are intriguing for many high schoolers as they explore relationships. 

Pulp Fiction is so unique that it’s hard to describe. This Quentin Tarantino at his core, who is one of the most accredited directors of our generation. On top of this, he and his movies alike are commonly s point of conversation the older you become. Despite the comedy, I would use some of the best lines from the film, but it is unfortunately far too crass to type here.

“Run Forest Run!” How many times has this been said or a variation of the line? Forrest Gump is not only critically acclaimed with an amazing performance by Tom Hanks, but quoted constantly. This movie might even make the list of greatest movies of all time because of Gump’s incredible life story for a man who should have a very simple life. You have to watch it, or you’re just missing out.

“What are you doing in my swamp?” “That’s a nice boulder.” “Not the gumdrop buttons!” Shrek is a gold mine because it was one of the first cartoons that was really meant for adults. It also happens to have one of the greatest animated movie soundtracks of all time. If you haven’t seen Shrek, you’re missing a part of your childhood. Find a way to see this movie.

“If you touch my drums I will stab you in the neck with a knife!” Stepbrothers has many other wonderful lines in this comedy. Another Will Ferrell favorite. this movie is constantly quoted, and talked about because it takes sibling rivalry to a new level. It makes the must see list for this reason, and because you have to know what the Catalina Wine Mixer is.

Inception. Hated and loved by so many it’s hard to tell if it belongs on the list. The point is that it is talked about. If you can follow the plot, which is extremely complicated, it is one of the greatest movies you’ll ever watch. Also, it features one of the top actors of this generation at his peak, Leonardo DiCaprio. The movies explores the realm of subconsciousness and the visual effects are revolutionary. 

One of the most interesting and critically acclaimed films ever made is Shawshank Redemption. A great story of justice, corruption, and freedom, this amazing movie that looks at the imprisonment of a man for murder has become a point of discussion within many classroom settings. A great movie to watch and talk about, though not quoted as frequently. 

Happy Gilmore is another comedy that all high schoolers should have watched multiple times. Just as enjoyable and prominent as a Will Ferrell film, Adam Sandler plays a crude hockey player who happens to be a golfing prodigy. The introduction of coarse, rough athlete into the quiet game of golf is hysterical.  Another one of the comedies that made the must see list.

Speaking of comedies, the amount of quotes that come from Talladega Nights is enough to make this movie worthwhile. “If you’re not first, you’re last”, “shake and bake” and “I’m all jacked up on Mountain Dew”, among so many others. The movie also is also one of Will Ferrell’s best as it mocks the often strange world of NASCAR. It is a gust busting good time, that you should be able to bring up any time with friends.

Finally, If you haven’t seen Finding Nemo. Dear God, you’ll never know to just keep swimming or that fish are friends and not food. Where to Escape (es-cahp-eh). This movie has become a staple in day-to-day dialogue for so many people. You have to see Finding Nemo if you don’t even watch another movie on this list. It makes you cry laugh, it will change your life, and how you pronounce several words.