Whats the Deal With the Marvel Movies?

James Thomason, Arts & Entertainment Editor

The Marvel Movies

Iron Man (2008)

The Incredible Hulk (2008)

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Thor (2011)

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Marvel’s The Avengers (2012)

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

Ant-Man (2015)

Deadpool (2016)

So why are there so many Marvel movies? Is it nothing but a money cow that Marvel can’t stop milking? Many will be surprised to hear that the answer is no. There is an entire overarching plot that connects every one of the Marvel movies.  What no way?! Yes, way.

First, let’s be clear the Marvel movies are following the storyline provided by the comics. The list above shows, in chronological, order the movies that set up the first major step in the comic storyline.

Each of the Avengers were forged in their own separate films and then brought together in 2012 by the Avenger film. Now, the following movies have a different purpose in the progression of the Marvel Universe.

There are a number of the heros missing from the wonderful story. The upcoming films will introduce these heros and progress the story. Many want to know what story I’m referring too? Well all of these movies are leading to the comic climax of the infinity wars.

Now remember in Guardians of the Galaxy how there was that purple stone of light that basically in summary gave the wielder the power to vaporize a plan and rule the cosmos? There are six of these stones, all with a different power they enhance.all_five_gems_comics_banner.0

Also introduced in the Guardians of the Galaxy was Thanos. The giant purple dude in the golden floating chair.  He is the wonderful villain who collects and harnesses all of the infinity stones.

So then what happens? A whole lot of death and a lot of very upset superhero fans. Same of Marvel’s key actors and series favorites will be blown away.

After this, the remaining heros, which have not all been introduced, ban together to stop Thanos and save the universe.  Now at this point they may move to a different storyline in the comics and continue to make movies, but for now there is a plot and a reason.

Let’s say you just read all of this, and your totally lost.  Go back watch the movies in order and pay attention, because THEY CONNECT! If you think you can skip movies, and then show up to the last few Marvel movies you will be beyond hopelessly lost, and there will be too much for your nerdy friend to explain. So what’s next?CA_Supermovies_10-28-2014-21