An open letter to parents on Graduation Day

Cortney Maser, Photo Editor

Throughout many years of schooling, especially at younger ages, children don’t realize how much their parents do for them. They’re there from day one and support you throughout the many years of participating in extracurriculars, helping with homework, calming the stress, and pushing through the hard patches. Here’s some things we’ve say, but just haven’t gotten to it yet for all parents with children graduating in the Class of 2016 for everything that you’ve done for them.

Dear Parents,

First off, thank you. You have been by my side since day one. You are the one who has got me this far. From my younger days, crying non-stop over the stupid little things and screaming when things didn’t go my way… To this day when we’re about to part because college is near and now you’re the one crying, since you have to let go of your baby boy/girl because college move-in day is so near.

You’re unconditional love for me has a great impact on my life. Without you there I don’t know if I would’ve made it this far. You’re the one I can always tell everything to and the one who is always there to tell me that everything is going to be okay. You were always my shoulder to cry on.

You are by far the most prominent people in my life. Though soon we have to part, it won’t be forever, just a short moment. You will still mean the most to me and will always be my people. No matter what school I go to, or even if I don’t, you will always be my people and the one’s I turn to for help if something has gone wrong.

Though, out of everything, you have always been my number one fans. You’ve also been my number one supporters. Whether it was sports, performing arts, finals, AP exams, competitions, anything – you were the ones who always told me I was the best there could be (even though I knew I wasn’t and you knew that I knew that). You pushed me to believe that anything is possible if I just put my mind to it. So here I go, mom and dad, I’m making my way to the path that is going to lead me to my dream.

During this new path that I’m about to lead myself down, I’m going to have many struggles. I’m going to have to get through them on my own, but may look to you for guidance. You still are, and always will be, the number one people in my life.

Once again, thank you mom and dad for everything that you do and all that you will continue to do. I appreciate it more than you could ever imagine.

Love Always,
Your 2016 High School Graduate