Keanu’s cute kittens and thugs provide laughs

Keanus cute kittens and thugs provide laughs

James Thomason, Arts & Entertainment

Do you like Key & Peele ? If you answered yes, then you would love this movie. However, do not go see this movie if you’re offended easily by racial or off-color humor. This is very important considering the fact that it makes up 90% of the comedy in this movie.

The movie starts out with the Diaz Church Massacre performed by the  Allentown Brothers,  who are also played by Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele. During the massacre, a drug cartel’s kitten named Iglesias escapes and runs across the city of Los Angeles.

This triggers a hysterical plot line that follows the Allentown Brothers trying to track down  this kitten. Also, Rell Williams ( Jordan Peele) and Clarence Goobril (Keegan-Michael Key) try to rescue the same kitten that Rell  rescued and named Keanu.

Throughout the film, Clarence and Rell pose as the cold-blooded killers, the Allentown Brothers. This takes the audience on a hilarious adventure. They are pretending to be not only criminals, but drug dealing thugs, all for the sake of rescuing the kitten.

Besides the ongoing humor that is evident in the facial expressions, body language and way they communicate with the other gang members, multiple times they are caught in gut-busting situations. This movie, however, offers more than a few laughs.

The audience will see Rell develop as a character and overcome his character flaws. You also see Clarence become a different man and his family based on the event he goes through.  The fact that the comedy has an inclusive plot and character development while  holding onto its humor is a wonderful thing to see in a comedy today.

I give Keanu 7 out of 10. While it’s not the greatest comedy I’ve seen all year, it was an enjoyable movie. It also doesn’t sacrifice comedy for the characteristics of solid cinematic elements. It is in its entirety a good entertaining movie that is worth the ticket price and might earn a spot in your collection when it comes out later on DVD.